Case Management

Case Management

Home • Case Management

If you or someone you know is living with HIV or AIDS, we can help. Our services are available in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex Counties.

We provide Ryan White Case Management, including access to the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) and supportive services including:

  • Help with health insurance needs/continuation
  • Assistance with housing referrals and utility needs
  • Referrals for transportation to medical appointments
  • Medical referrals for eye care, dental services, and nutritional counseling.
  • Mental Wellness referrals for counseling, drug and alcohol treatment, risk reduction counseling & life coaching, and other biopsychosocial needs
  • Home delivery of medications for qualifying clients
  • Food assistance with access to AIDS Delaware’s Food Panty and referrals to other food service providers
  • Access to Educational programs on current drug therapies and medical advances

To learn more about Case Management Services, contact:

New Castle County: Lori at 302.652.6776, x207 or

Kent and Sussex County: Tiffany at 302.354.6616 or