Client Privacy Practices
Home • Client Privacy Practices
For the HIV/AIDS community
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to information. AIDS Delaware operates under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule.
Effective date: August 1, 2004
AIDS Delaware recognizes that medical information about you and your health is private. We work hard to protect that information. The goal of this Notice is to explain to you how AIDS Delaware protects your records and what rights you have regarding your private health information. You have the right to receive a Notice of Privacy Practices that informs you how everyone at this agency protects your rights. By everyone, we mean case managers, nurses, volunteers, interns, administrators and anyone else who might see your records or put information into them. We hope you will take the time to read the Notice that follows.
Use of the Information in Your Records
AIDS Delaware can use and give information to everyone who is participating in your case. This includes case managers, doctors, nurses, social and case workers, therapists, and personnel at agencies that provide emergency assistance. Also, we can give out information to the Social Security Administration, Medicaid, Medicare, your insurance company, or designated individuals responsible for your care.
We make a record of each time we communicate with you. AIDS Delaware maintains this record to support and guide in your journey of a self-reliant, productive and quality life. This is a professional best practice and required by our funders. This applies to all your records at this agency, whatever is documented or reviewed by a case manager, the case manager assistant, the nurse, a volunteer or an intern in the Client Services Department or any medical provider working at the agency. We may also share information, to find appropriate programs or services.
Your Rights:
- You may inspect your records or obtain copies, by requesting in writing to the Director of Client Services. You will receive the records in 30 to 60 days.
- You can add corrections or comments to the information we have created, by making a request in writing.
- We can provide you with a list of who has had access to your records, by making a request in writing. (allow 30-60 days).
- You can file a complaint, in writing, to AIDS Delaware if you believe we have not followed the privacy law or abided by the Notice of Privacy Practices.