Mobile Testing

Mobile Testing

Home • Mobile Testing

We can bring our HIV Testing Van to your next event or community activity.

In addition to providing free, rapid HIV testing, we can provide free condoms, and provide counseling about prevention methods, and PrEP.

This is the perfect way to allow people to get tested in a familiar setting, who may be anxious about coming to our office.

To include the HIV Testing Van at your event or bring to your neighborhood, please fill out the form below.

Mobile HIV Testing Van Request Form

Fill out this form to request AIDS Delaware’s HIV Testing Van. A parking space of 10ft x 20 ft is required to park our testing van.

Name & Business(Required)
Event Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Event Start Time(Required)
Event End Time(Required)
Event Location(Required)
Will AIDS Delaware require a Certificate of Liability Insurance for your event?(Required)
We need a minimum of 10 days to obtain insurance.
Yes or No
Estimate how many HIV tests we will need to bring to this event:(Required)
How many?
Estimate how many people will attend this event:(Required)
How many?