Mission & Overview

Mission & Overview

Home • Mission & Overview

The Village Delaware is a civic engagement effort of AIDS Delaware that serves to support LGBTQ+ people, with a focus on providing safe(r) spaces for youth ages 13-23. LGBTQ+/aligned youth can participate in the annual Village Youth Leadership Team (VYLT). In this program, youth build a network of peer support, find mentorship with LGBTQ+ professionals in Delaware, gain knowledge on a variety of topics, and find empowerment in order to help them thrive as they transition into early adulthood.  

The Village has established a list of values, which informed the programming and approach we take to our work, including:

– Collaboration
– Creativity
– Fun
– Health & Wellness
– Intersectionality
– Intentional Inclusiveness
– Anti-racist
– Accessible
– Promoting Personal Growth
– Empowerment
– Self-acceptance
– Self-esteem
– Self-knowledge
– Social Justice
– Reducing mental and physical LGBTQ+ health disparities; improving community wellness
– Uplifting our most vulnerable community members